I am not sure how should I write in my blog. Do I suppose to write like an essay, for example do I need to have a Topic Sentence for beginning or it is more like a free writing?!? Anyway, I do not have one so do not look after it! As you can see my title for this entry is Friends. Maybe you though I want to talk about my friends. Well that’s not my reason but I could talk about them for a while. Actually, I have two kind of friends, the first group is in Iran whom I missed so much, and my new friends here, you guys! But that title refers to a TV show called Friends which I like so much. As a matter of fact, I am a friends fan. I do not know if you have ever seen any part of it, but I strongly recommend it. Watching Friends is so much fun and on the other hand it could help you a lot in your English, especially in your Listening skill. For now, that’s it!
Hi Amin,
yeah Brasil is famous because of coffee, samba, but mainly because of the such wonderful people we have there!
Have fun in your holiday!
persian(i hope that's correct)~happy thanks giving day~but, don't forget your homework~haha! that's not a big work~i got another job~haha! good luck buddy~!
bolg is just like a diary~just do it freely~
friends thing
i got the whole serious of Friends from my aunty. now i'm watching them~
by the way ,which of these six guys do u like best?
Hello Amin! How is your weekend going? I just want to THANK you today for DVDs :)
See you.
not bad~Friends feel like something that I have ever seen, but i don't remember what it is. i'm enjoying it~
well,let me see,at first i like Rach,but you know after Ross came back from China,she's so offend to Ross's new girlfriend,at then i felt she's a bitch~i think pheobe is a great person,she can make them together when some of them are quarreling. But Joey is really funny...phebs...no,joe...no,phebs...no...ok,fine,both of them...see,sort of phoebe style,right.
wow, I love friends too,my friend~~
what is on your photo?? a bear??OMG!
mid-term examination~bless you~
it is a nice show, isn't it?
I never get bored to watch again and again..
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