Friday, December 7, 2007


On the one hnad, tdaoy we took our wirtng eaxm and on the oehtr hnad I am wtrniig bolg so sleplnig is not vrey iptnmorat aetfr tihs mneomt. At laset tlil the EAP 3, if I psas of crusoe. That’s why you are rdniaeg tihs etnry lkie tihs! In fcat, if you can read it! Bcuesae smoe popele can’t. If you can, it deos not maen taht you are a guiens but at laset you are not sptiud taht mcuh! Let me use smoe caopmilectd and mroe porbmliaetc vcauborlay to mkae it hrdaer. How was taht? Slitl albe to raed? Good. Let’s try smoenhtig else. Alan dige os shodi! Aha, you can’t udnerasntd tihs one, huh? That’s buescae it is not Egnilsh, my bad! I have a sutggeosin as well. We can keep this blog thnig as a way of cmmoiucniaton drunig hdolaiys, that wluod be ncie. Ok, that’s it. Finally, that was great to be with all of you guys, we had lots of fun. Best wishes.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Is first impression important for you? For example, if you met someone for the fist time, would you feel like I want this person to be my friend, or maybe completely opposite, you think with yourself that I hate that guy! In fact, I usually do this but not exactly like above. For example, when I came to EAP program I did something like that. I liked some of you at the first time and I did not like a few! :) Do not be mad, at least I am honest! Of course the good point about my weird habit is I change my mind after I know the person without any prejudice. If I like someone and then I realize that person is not what I thought I will change my opinion easily and obviously same for the opposite situation. I know we should not judge people by their appearance but that’s the way I feel. I found a nice article which is somehow related to this topic. I hope you like it.


Question 1: If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abortion?
Read the next question before answering this one.

Question 2: It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote counts. Here are the facts about the three leading candidates.
Candidate A: Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologists.He's had two Mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10martinis a day.
Candidate B: He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening.
Candidate C: He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an occasional beer and never cheated on his wife.

Which of these candidates would be your choice? Decide first, no peeking,then scroll down for the answer.


Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Candidate B is Winston Churchill.
Candidate C is Adolph Hitler!!!
And, by the way, the answer to the abortion question: If you said yes, you just killed Beethoven!!!

* Source:Ethical Question's website

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Till a week ago I really liked this blogging assignment, but for these recent days it is more like a nightmare! It seems there is no word as “blogging” in English because Microsoft word drew a red line under it but you know what, I won’t change it because you can understand me and that is the purpose of the language. If you can not understand it, you better use some of the strategies we have learned during our reading classes. You can break it into two parts and after that you will notice there are a blog and an ing, so you nailed it finally. You are almost on fire!! You know what the problem here is? Microsoft word did not accept even the blog itself, so you are in trouble again. That strategy didn’t work for this one. As a matter of fact, since blog is not a word, no strategy can help you out here. See where the problem is? Then, what can you do now? In fact there is not much you can do now, but you know what shouldn’t you have done? You shouldn’t have started reading my blog at the very beginning, because of the reason I explained yesterday in the previous post! Sorry for wasting your time, take care.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


I noticed something today!!! Since I have 9 blogs so far and our final date for blogging is December 7th, I have to write a new blog everyday till that day to finish this assignment! In my previous blogs I usually tried to write something interesting but from this moment I just want to write in order to do my blog assignment so do not look for something interesting! Well, I have to keep writing because it is not 200 words yet but you can stop reading right now. Wait! Don’t go! Do not leave me alone! …. Ok… I can understand, there is nothing for you here, so that’s it, have a nice day or night, see you tomorrow and bye. Let me see what I can write about now. I can write about … HEY YOU!!!! You are not supposed to be here anymore! What if I wanted to write about something personal?! I didn’t expect that from you!…. But that’s all right, you are here because you are a good friend and you didn’t want to leave me alone. But you know what, you should have gone because you just wasted your time! Wait, You can’t claim now, I warn you ahead that there is nothing interesting here. Guess what? I counted my words, I mean I used word to count it for me and now this is more than 200 words. You can stay here if you want but there is no reason for me to stay so I am leaving. Come on, I think we both better go together. I do not like to leave you alone, because you didn’t leave me alone before and you read till the end of this useless blog entry! ;) Have fun.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Poor Birds!

Could you imagine a world with one gender?!? I mean (not Amin!) if all of us had same gender what would happen? How do you feel about that?!? Do not think about that specific issue for a while! I think that world should be very boring. In my opinion, men and women complete each other. The differences which different genders have, make the world a better place for living. For example, boys are smarter so they can make fun of girls! In result, there is more fun! ;) Just kidding! I suppose the reason of marriage is that completeness. I saw a picture- a sad picture!- in the internet which I used it for this entry. It seems one bird missed its partner. I think it is a very sad sad situation. Since the result of my older poll is obvious :) I am going to create another poll with a strange question! I know none of us like to be in such situation, and I hope that never happen to us, but.... just answer it if you like. That would be nice to know your ideas.

P.S: For going to Paul’s blog click on his link in my page. It is different from the one we had.